LDAP Controls for Novell Services abstracts NetWare Services into ActiveX Controls. The components are packaged for quick and easy use in Windows Visual Builder and other development tools, such as Visual Basic, Delphi, PowerBuilder, Active Server Pages for the Internet Information Server, Windows Scripting Host, and Internet Explorer.
LDAP controls use the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) for directory operations. The controls support full access to LDAP-aware directories and provide features to authenticate, query the Directory and manage the schema and entries.
The LDAP controls provided by Novell are:
NWIDirAuth.dll: Novell Internet Directory Authenticator Control 1.1
NWIDir.dll: Novell Internet Directory Control 2.1
NWIDirE.dll: Novell Internet Directory Entries Control 1.2
NWIDirQ.dll: Novell Internet Directory Query Control 1.2
NWIDirS.dll: Novell Internet Directory Schema Control 1.1